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Life is Better at the Beach: This pretty much just came to my head as I was at the beach this weekend and it fits my life because I literally spend all my free time on weekends at the beach because it is so close to us. I absolutely love the beach there is no place I rather be. I love playing in the waves, watching the sunset or just chilling in the sand. The view better at the beach is better than anything you can find on a computer or phone screen. If this were to have any real meaning I would say that there Is life beyond technology, like phones for example. We just have to be able to know how to enjoy it and appreciate the beauty life can give us.
BAE! so I got lucky because remember how I thought the trolling was due today in the morning? well he said midnight so like it all worked out good *pray emoji* anywaysss I think your vine really defines you because you are LITERALLY always at the playa! I feel that whenever you go there you're always in a happy mood which makes me feel happy because you and I know what you go through everyday! lol. Well yea bae I'll text you in a bit :p